Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cold rainy days....that warm my soul.

I think sometimes that a rainy day is just what the soul needs. Rainy days during the summer are welcome retreats from the heat. I cherish summer rain, those summer rainy days spending time with the kids, staying in to watch a movie or work on crafts. Rainy days in December are a little bit different. The kids are in school, so it's just me & the baby. Because of the heavy clouds it's 8:30 am and still dark in the house, except for the Christmas lights. Leftover St. Lucy bread & jam with coffee while I nurse the baby. It will be a quiet day of organizing the house for Christmas. Maybe I'll get some sewing time if the baby decides to nap. I love to read while nursing the baby. Tucked into the couch with a book on a cold rainy day, for even just a half hour, fills me with peace. I never seem to feel hurried or overwhelmed on rainy days. So it's a day of rest despite all the things I will accomplish. I deeply feel the Spirit of Advent today. Quiet preparation...still trying to empty both home & heart. Peaceful & joyful anticipation. Feeling the hand of our Heavenly Father through prayer & gratitiude....awaiting The Gift. Thank you, God, I'm so grateful for....

#12..... cold, rainy days.
#13..... dark mornings & Christmas lights.
#14.....His Peace. faithful Advent companion, Caryll Houselander and her Reed of God, who touches my heart & inspires me every Advent.
#16....crockpot meal for dinner already on the counter.
#17....St. Lucy & what she taught the kids yesterday about living The Gospel.
#18....quiet mornings & sleeping baby.
#19....hubby's safe return from work last night.

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